Gvilava Mamuka

PhD ,


Curriculum vitae

Proposed role in the project:

Family name: Gvilava
First names: Mamuka
Date of birth: 20.07.1962
Nationality: Georgian



(Date from – Date to)

Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:
Tbilisi State University 1979-1984 (Tbilisi, Georgia) Diploma in Physics
Tbilisi State University, Georgia 1993 (Tbilisi, Georgia Candidate (PhD equivalent) of Physical & Math Sciences

Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 – excellent; 5 – basic)

Language Reading Speaking Writing
Georgian 1 1 1
English 1 1 1
Russian 1 1 1
German 3 4 4
French 5 5 5


Membership of professional bodies:

Member of the Advisory Group on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) to the Commission of the Protection of Black Sea Against Pollution (Black Sea Commission) and National ICZM Focal Point for Georgia on behalf of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources of Georgia (since 2006); Sustainable Architecture Laboratory (a professional non-profit non-governmental organization founded in 2009 by leading specialists from Faculty of Architecture, Urbanistics and Design of Georgian Technical University and the management of the private companies); Corresponding Contact for GEO Principle of Georgia; Caucasus SDI Technical Working Group Member from Georgia.


Key qualifications:

  • Many years of experience in managing environmental projects in the field of coastal and marine domains, including the personal engagement in directing the World Bank funded project in support of the integrated coastal management and conservation, including establishment and enforcement of newly establishment and successful wetland protected areas in Georgia.
  • Implementation of various governance capacity building efforts at local and national levels of engagement, acting in the capacity of the World Bank supported project director. These efforts included coordinating the drafting of the ICZM legislation and national ICZM strategy for Georgia, latter with EuropeAid funded project support.
  • Recent involvement in baseline studies including ecotourism issues and tourism pressures in 4 protected areas of Georgia (2 existing, 2 planned) as part of the GeoGraphic’s team commissioned by KfW/GFA.
  • Intimate knowledge of integrated coastal zone management (ICZM), its history, ongoing arrangements and progress to date in the Black Sea region.
  • Understanding and background knowledge of most recent European initiatives in the domain of Integrated Maritime Policies, Blue Growth principles and policies.
  • Understanding and practical appreciation of the recent European framework directives such as Marine Strategy Framework Directive as well as newly initiated Marine Spatial Planning Directive (including Integrated Coastal Management).
  • Participation and deep knowledge of background and firsthand experience of many regional initiatives in the Black Sea region in relation to its environmental protection (since 1995 as of to date).
  • Participation in and firsthand experience of joint Black Sea and Mediterranean project under European multiyear funding, therefore good knowledge and understanding of institutional and legal arrangements as well as the relevant networks of both sea basins.
  • Managing and guiding Black Sea regional efforts in the field of integrated governance, such as recently completed stock-taking on ICZM in the Black Sea countries (at the level of implementation audit), as part of the EU FP7 project (PEGASO, on behalf of the Partner Black Sea Commission Permanent Secretariat).
  • Authoring ICZM guidelines for Black Sea, thus ‘transposing’ the advanced experience of the innovative Mediterranean ICZM Protocol into the Black Sea realm (adopted by 32nd Meeting of Black Sea Commission, October 2016, available at http://www.blacksea-commission.org/Downloads/Black_Sea_ICZM_Guideline/Black_Sea_ICZM_Guideline.pdf .
  • Personal experience and knowledge of marine and maritime governance as well as coastal conservation and management efforts in various regional seas, primarily the enclosed seas of Europe, such as North and Baltic Seas.
  • Deep understanding of tools and methodologies for assessing the impacts of land based sources of pollution, hands on experience with results and outcomes of the EU FP7 enviroGRIDS project, including various scenarios of developments in the vast catchment of the Black Sea.
  • Intimate knowledge and experience with Spatial Data Infrastructure in support of the maritime and coastal management and governance, including contribution and authoring of various data sharing efforts in this domain.




Professional experience:

Date from – Date to Location Company& reference person (name & contact details) Position Description
May/2017 – Georgia GIS and RS Consulting Center “GeoGraphic” (under EU Horizon 2020 funded project)


Environmental Sustainability Expert and Task Manager Title of the Project: Coproduction with Nature for City Transitioning, Innovation and Governance

Responsibilities: CONNECTING Task Manager for GeoGraphic.

Large-scale European project devoted to Nature-Based Solutions for urban communities in the European and its Neighbourhood countries (including Tbilisi as Front-runner city). Project entails, inter alia, communicaiton with European funding institutions (EBRD, EIB).

2017 – to date Georgia Nodia Institute of Geophysics, Tbilisi State University Research Assistant Research in Black Sea marine modelling and respective proposal preparation for various European/international funding agencies.
Oct/2015 – Georgia GIS and RS Consulting Center “GeoGraphic” (under EU Erasmus+ supported project HERITAG) HERITAG Project Manager for GeoGraphic and Coordinator of all Georgian Partners Title of the Project: HERITAG – Higher Education interdisciplinary Reform in Tourism management and Applied Geoinformation curricula development

Responsibilities: Project Manager for partner GeoGraphic and simultaneously Coordinator of all Georgian Partners. These multiple responsibilities include design, implementation and operation of the common project webpage available at http://heritag.ge.

The project HERITAG aims to develop an interdisciplinary reform in higher education programmes at master level and continuing education integrating Geo-information Technologies (GIT) applied to cultural heritage documentation, tourism management and entrepreneurship.

August 2016 -September 2017 Georgia GIS and RS Consulting Center “GeoGraphic” (Client: Roads Department of Georgia) Resettlement Expertise Title of the Project: ADB financed Georgia Road Corridor Investment Program, Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan for Batumi Bypass Design Project

Responsibilities: Land Acquisition and Resettlement Planning Expert

Integration of Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plans (LARPs) prepared for several sections of this major road investment project, including communication with ADB personnel and facilitation of the report production in full compliance with ADB requirements, including major editorial support for the project team and Roads Department of Georgia (2 LARP-s and 1 Addendum, in Georgian and English languages).

July 2016 -November 2017 Georgia GeoGraphic Ltd under Swiss Cooperation Office (SCO) supported DRR project in Georgia (supported by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation)


Consultant Title of the Project: Digital Hazard Mapping Methodology for Georgia

Project Manager and Environmental Expert (report author).

Consolidation of the Hazard Mapping Methodology and Assessment of the Legal framework for its Application (under Swiss Cooperation Office DRR Project in Georgia).

October 2015 – June 2016 Georgia Sustainable Management of Biodiversity Project (SMBP) in South Caucasus Consultant Title of the Project: Technical/institutional options for national system of biodiversity/forestry data

Preparing report with analysis of technical and institutional options for national system of biodiversity and forestry monitoring data collection, processing, management and dissemination.

Analysis of technical and institutional options for the national system of biodiversity and forestry monitoring data collection, processing, management and dissemination.

October 2015 – March 2016


Georgia National Association of Local Authorities of Georgia (NALAG) GIS Expert for Climate Change Assessment Title of the Project: Institutionalisation of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Georgian Regions (ICCAMGR)

Co-author and author of several sections, GIS methodology for climate change impact assessment.

Contributing with GIS analysis and methodology work within the team of NALAG and GeoGraphic working for the Institutionalisation of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Georgian Regions (ICCAMGR) Project, commissioned by NALAG under USAID supported programme.

August 2015 – Present


Georgia GIS and RS Consulting Center GeoGraphic (KfW supported project)




Expert in PA management Title of the Project: Baseline study in support of 4 Protected Areas in Georgia

Description of the project: Contributing with PA management and planning expertise within team of GeoGraphic, baseline study in support of 4 Protected Areas in Georgia, commissioned by KfW/GFA.

Responsibilities: Legal and institutional analysis, protected areas management planning expert, GIS methodology for zoning, report review/editing for quality assurance.

June 2011- August 2013 Georgia Millennium Challenge Consultant Industria (Georgia) and Romcatel (Romania) Environmental Consultant Title of the Project: Site Assessment and Site Specific Waste Management Plans for 13 Schools as part of the Design and Environmental/Social/Gender Studies of Public Schools in Georgia (USA Millennium Challenge Corporation funded compact)

Description of the project: Site Assessment and Site Specific Waste Management Plans for 13 Schools as part of the Design and Environmental/Social/Gender Studies.

Responsibilities: Detailed Site Environmental Assessment and Site Specific Waste Management Plans for 13 Schools in rural and urban settings throughout Georgia.

January 2015 – June 2015 Georgia  AETS (France) and other consortium partners (commissioned by the European Commission, DG MARE) National Consultant Title of the Project: Preparing Country Dossier for Georgia and contributing into regional synthesis as part of the team of European and Black Sea experts commissioned by EU for the ‘Scoping Mission on Feasibility of a Project on Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) in the Black Sea

Description of the project: Preparing Country Dossier for Georgia and contributing into regional synthesis as part of the team of European and Black Sea experts commissioned by EU for the ‘Scoping Mission on Feasibility of a Project on Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) in the Black Sea.

Responsibilities: Preparing Country Dossier for Georgia and contributing into regional synthesis as part of the team of European and Black Sea experts commissioned by EU for the ‘Scoping Mission on Feasibility of a Project on Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) in the Black Sea.

July 2014 – September 2014 Georgia USAID/Winrock-Georgia


Environmental Consultant Title of the Project: USAID Enhancing Capacity for Low Emission Development Strategies (EC-LEDS) Clean Energy Program. Preparation of Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA)

Description of the project: USAID Enhancing Capacity for Low Emission Development Strategies (EC-LEDS) Clean Energy Program. Preparation of Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA).

Responsibilities: Team Leader for the Preparation of Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA).

October 2013 – January 2014 Georgia Millennium Challenge Local Environmental Consultant Site Assessment of 35 Schools

Detailed Site Environmental Assessments for 35 rural and urban Schools throughout Georgia.

May 2013 – November 2015 Georgia Joint Research Coordinator for Civitas Georgica Joint Research Coordinator for Civitas Georgica Integrated Land-use Management Modeling of Black Sea Estuaries (ILMM-BSE) Project. EC Joint Operational Program Black Sea Basin 2007-2013 (see all details at http://e-BlackSea.net)

Lead the Joint Research Coordination efforts on behalf of Georgian partner NGO Civitas Georgica. This entails activities ranging from multi-sectoral analysis and stakeholder engagements to hydrological and land use change modelling and analysis for the case study area, which is one of the coastal regions of Georgia

ILMM-BSE project is planning to realize in Meriç Ergene Basin, Turkey; Rapomato and Veleka River Basins and Deltas, Bulgaria; Dnieper, Dniester and Danuba River Basins and Deltas in Ukraine; Guria Region in Georgia. The objective of the project is to create an integrated database system that includes all relevant researches and practices on sustainable land use of watershed areas. Also it aimed to create cooperation and networking among scientists, decision makers and other relevant stakeholders as well as to develop an environmental education program.

May 2013 – May 2015 Georgia Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Task Manager EU FP7 IASON Project (see all details at http://iason-fp7.eu) (uptake of PEGASO and enviroGRIDS Projects)

Multiple research activities related to uptake of PEGASO and enviroGRIDS Projects (hydrological modelling training package development, ICZM stock-taking online tool, ICZM guidelines finalisation and dissemination, etc).

Task manager for GeoGraphic – EU FP7 IASON Project (see http://iason-fp7.eu) uptake of PEGASO and enviroGRIDS Projects.

2013-2014 Georgia Norsk Energi Lead National EIA Expert GEO-12/0004 Sustainable Hydropower Georgia, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Grant 12/00695. Analysis of 20 Hydropower project EIAs in Georgia in the capacity of national EIA expert of Norsk Energi team (s. details http://www.energi.no/en/sustainable-hydropower-development-in-georgia)

Comprehensive analysis of 20 Hydropower EIAs with review sheets for each HPP and diagnostic report production for national level analysis.

Analysis of 20 Hydropower project EIAs in Georgia in the capacity of national EIA expert of Norsk Energi team (s. details http://www.energi.no/en/sustainable-hydropower-development-in-georgia).

July 2011 – December 2013 Georgia USAID/TetraTech-Georgia National Environmental Consultant Municipal Infrastructure and IDP Housing Rehabilitation Project Components 1 & 2: Irrigation & Municipal Infrastructure Environmental Support, USAID/Georgia Project (PEA, compliance)

National input into Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) production and compliance monitoring during implementation.

National Environmental Consultant for the Municipal Infrastructure and IDP Housing Rehabilitation Project Components 1 & 2: Irrigation & Municipal Infrastructure Environmental Support, USAID/Georgia Project (PEA, compliance).

April 2012 – September 2012 Georgia SEURECA (France) Environmental Consultant Environmental Baseline for the “Preparation of Georgia Wastewater Management Strategy & Feasibility Studies for Six Selected Cities and Towns” (The Municipal Development Fund of Georgia, World Bank Project # 4516-GE.)

Environmental Baseline Input into the “Preparation of Georgia Wastewater Management Strategy & Feasibility Studies for Six Selected Cities and Towns”.

Environmental Baseline for the “Preparation of Georgia Wastewater Management Strategy & Feasibility Studies for Six Selected Cities and Towns” (The Municipal Development Fund of Georgia, World Bank Project # 4516-GE.).

June 2010 – July 2011 Georgia ENCON Çevre Danışmanlık Ltd. Ankara, Turkey & GeoGraphic Ltd. (Georgian subcontractor) ESIA Coordinator for GeoGraphic ESIA Baseline Studies for Namakhvani HPP Cascade Project

Local Team Leader for ESIA Preparation (biodiversity and hydrology components), coordinating local input in ESIA preparation. Overall ESIA prepared in compliance with EBRD and other IFI requirements.

2010 -2014 Turkey Black Sea Commission Task Manager 7th Framework Programme, theme ENV.2009., Integrated Coastal Zone Management, FP7-ENV-2009-1, Pegaso, People for Ecosystem Based Governance in Assessing Sustainable Development of Ocean & Coast

Managing the input of the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (the Black Sea Commission or BSC) into the PEGASO project via BSC Permanent Secretariat and its subsidiary ICZM Advisory Group by participating in the implementation of following:

Development of ICZM Guidelines for the Black sea including elaboration of the regional legal instrument similar to ICZM Protocol for the Mediterranean

Development of training and education materials on ICZM in regional languages and dissemination to end-user communities in the Black Sea region

Elaboration, analysis and definition of spatially explicit indicators for comprehensive description of the status of the Black Sea coastal zones and for the efficiency of the ICZM process and activities

Building the shared Spatial Data Infrastructure for ICZM

Implementation of the ICZM pilot CASES initiative in Georgia as part of the overall Mediterranean and Black Sea network of 9 CASES sites.

Objectives: The aim of PEGASO is to build on existing capacities and develop common novel approaches to support integrated policies for the coastal, marine and maritime realms of the Mediterranean and Black Sea Basins in ways that are consistent with and relevant to the implementation of the ICZM Protocol for the Mediterranean. To that end, the five key objectives of the PEGASO are:

To construct an ICZM governance platform, consistent with the aims of article 14 of the ICZM protocol for the Mediterranean, to support the development of integrated policies for the coastal, marine and maritime realms of the Mediterranean and Black sea basins;

To make an integrated regional assessment for the Mediterranean and Black Sea coastal and maritime areas.

To refine and further develop efficient and easy to use tools for making sustainability assessments in the coastal zone.

To test and validate the assessment tools at regional and local scales to understand both global and cumulative local trends and how they interact in specific coastal and marine regions.

To establish and strengthen mechanisms for networking and capacity development so as to promote knowledge transfer and continued use of project outputs.

2009 – 2013 Georgia University of Geneva Task Manager EC’s 7th Framework Programme, Theme 6 Environment (including climate change), FP7-ENV-2008-1, EnviroGRIDS, Building Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System supporting Sustainable Development (www.EnviroGRIDS.net)

Work Package 2, task 2.4 – Remote Sensing Data – as the leading member of the GeoGraphic’s team, contributing to remote sensing data collection, data integration into the Grid architecture and redistribution to all project partners to provide information about the project area and continuous data on the changes driven in the area. Support to remote sensing analyses, monitoring changes and trends in the Black Sea region/watershed (e.g. land use, deforestation, water quality).

Work Package 7, task 7.2 – Organization of Workshops and Training – application and use of EnviroGRIDS system by providing assistance into the organization of workshops in the Black Sea Region, to promote, present and discuss climate, demographic and land cover change scenarios, hydrological models, impacts on societal benefit areas, local, national and regional sustainability and vulnerability, directed towards raising awareness and involvement of the target groups, stakeholders, environmental managers, and NGOs.

The Black Sea Catchment is internationally known as one of ecologically unsustainable development and inadequate resource management, which has led to severe environmental, social and economic problems. The EnviroGRIDS @ Black Sea Catchment project addresses these issues by bringing several emerging information technologies that are revolutionizing the way we are able to observe our planet. The Group on Earth Observation Systems of Systems (GEOSS) is building a data-driven view of our planet that feeds into models and scenarios to explore our past, present and future. EnviroGRIDS aims at building the capacity of scientist to assemble such a system in the Black Sea Catchment, the capacity of decision-makers to use it, and the capacity of the general public to understand the important environmental, social and economic issues at stake. EnviroGRIDS will particularly target the needs of the Black Sea Commission (BSC) and the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) in order to help bridging the gap between science and policy.

2008 – 2009 Georgia Irene Lucius of EUCC (Currently with WWF Carpathian Programme) National ICZM Focal Point for Georgia Environmental Collaboration for the Black Sea (ECBSea) Project, Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Component, Georgia. EuropeAid project number 120117/C/SV/Multi. Consortium of Euroconsult Mott MacDonald (The Netherlands), contract number 11177

As a National ICZM Focal Point of Georgia supported and facilitated the following project initiatives:

Preparation of The Draft ICZM Strategy for Georgia, which defines the major coastal Issues, the Objectives of Integrated Coastal Zone management, the Vision for a sustainable, economically vibrant Georgian coast, and mandates the preparation of an Action Plan with concrete targets and deadlines. A document underwent a comprehensive public review process and the final version is to be approved by the government in order to provide a new mandate, fresh impulse and guidance to the ICZM process in Georgia (currently under interagency consultation and agreement process).

Preparation of Integrated Plan for Sustainable Development of Tskaltsminda Coastal Community, address through coordinated action planning the main challenges and opportunities of Tskaltsminda village – a small coastal community located in Guria Region along the Black Sea coast of Georgia. Challenges encompass broken municipal infrastructure, limited possibility to upgrade professional skills, or erosion of the beach. Opportunities on the other hand stem from the fact that the village population has a high level of education, has innovative ideas and can make use of its close neighborhood to the Kolkheti National Park, the city of Poti or the tourism centre of Ureki. The maps produced show how the land is used today, highlight where the ecologically valuable areas are located, and propose different zones for future development (approved by Lanchkhuti local council).

Project aimed to strengthen regional co-operation, improve the main regional agreement, the Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (the Bucharest Convention) and national capacities to implement the Convention. Documents and laws being developed under the Project take into account convergence with EU water and environmental legislation, in particular the EU Water Framework Directive and the EU Marine Strategy. In Georgia Project’s Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) component facilitated the development of the national ICZM Strategy for Georgia as well as piloted the ICZM-type planning initiative for the stimulation of sustainable coastal development at the local level.

(see project webpage at www.ECBSea.org and ICZM Georgia webpage at ICZM.ge).

2008 – Present Georgia Wood Service Ltd Environmental Advisor Advisory services in sustainable and energy efficient design and construction

Participating as an environmental adviser in the specification, design and implementation of multiple projects

(i) GTZ funded construction of 300 family IDP housing project near Gori;

(ii) setting up Multi-Functional Community Centre in Gori;

(iii) write-up of training program in sustainable timber construction techniques and methodologies for IDP-s;

(iv) establishment of sustainable architecture laboratory at GTU Faculty of Architecture, Urbanistics & Design;

(v) grant application Education for Energy Efficiency in Architecture for USAID Energy Capacity Initiative;

(vi) preparation of various bidding and contract packages (construction works, consultancy, training);

(vii) preparation of company HSE signage system for safety site applications in timber construction.

Participation in multiple project activities in the field of sustainable housing.

June 2006 – December 2008 Georgia Georgian Oil and Gas Corporation (GOGC) (with support of the US Millennium Challenge funds under the North-South Gas Pipeline Rehabilitation Project) Head of GOGC Environment Unit / Environmental and Social Manager of NSGPRP North-South Gas Pipeline Rehabilitation Project (NSGPRP)

Providing comprehensive environmental and social management function to the Rehabilitation of Georgia’s gas pipeline system supplying natural gas from Russia and Azerbaijan to Georgia and Armenia by developing Environmental Impact Assessments and Environmental Management Plans, implementing them during pipeline rehabilitation works, leading team of GOGC’s environment unit and supervision of construction activities. Preparing resettlement action plans and other social instrument, providing implementation oversight. Developing comprehensive environmental specifications for the construction bidding and contract documents, setting up the systems of comprehensive environmental and

The project aimed at rehabilitating the most damaged sites of the North-South gas main pipeline of Georgia, envisaging the rehabilitation of 22 sites. The total Project budget is $49.5 million. The project had placed emphasis on implementing modern standards for health, safety, environment and social management.

1998 – 2006 Georgia ICZM Centre (The World Bank and GEF financed Georgia Integrated Coastal Management Project /GICMP/, Project Implementation Unit Director) Director Georgia Integrated Coastal Management Project (GICMP)

Directing implementation unit, coordinating with environmental and many other government agencies, leading complicated and innovative procurement function including consulting services, works and supplies, accomplishments included specifications and procurement of innovative green design visitor facilities and park infrastructure.

Coastal management project implementation with multiple outputs including the establishment of the National Park in Kolkheti (and Nature Reserve in Kobuleti) with comprehensive infrastructure and visitor facility development; overseeing consultancy work drafting coastal management legislation for Georgia’s Black Sea coast; equipment of coastal environmental monitoring laboratories; oil spill contingency planning; coastal erosion pre-feasibility studies.

1996 – 1998 Georgia Georgia ICZM Program (funded by WB/GEF) Program Manager Georgia ICZM Program

Undertake groundwork for ICZM system development in Georgia (elaboration of governance mechanisms), coordinate work of several NGO to produce Kolkheti wetland conservation guideline, several environmental studies, produce Black Sea video documentary and other public awareness activities on coastal issues.

GEF funded Environmental Component of the Municipal Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project (MIRP, the first appraised World Bank project in Georgia). The component included ICZM capacity building, coastal/Kolkheti wetland conservation planning and NGO public awareness activities.

1995 – 1997 Georgia NGO G.Info, Georgian Geoinformation Centre (commissioned on behalf of Ministry of Environment of Georgia to participate in UNEP/GRID’s regional ENRIN program) GIS Analyst UNEP/GRID’s regional Environment and Natural Resource Information Networks (ENRIN) program component Environmental and Natural Resources Information Network of Georgia

Contribution into the preparation of the assessment report on environmental information systems in Georgia; Generation of the web-based State of the Environment Report for Georgia; Compilation of data and information available from various national agencies and ministries.

ENRIN’s activities comprise: national capacity building projects, leading to the establishment of national environmental information facilities as parts of the ENRIN network as well as other UNEP’s processes such as GRID, INFORTERRA and GEO global SoE assessments.

1994 – 1994 Germany Environmental Informatics, Wadden Sea Information System, GKSS-Forschungszentrum Guest Researcher Guest Researcher at the Institut für Physik at the GKSS-Forschungszentrum, Geesthacht, Germany (currently – Institute for Coastal Research)

Setting up common spatial mapping and GIS database for the Wadden Sea in cooperation with GIS network institutions of the littoral countries Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands acting under framework of the Trilateral Cooperation on the Protection of the Wadden Sea. Production of the GIS map for the entire Wadden Sea. Intimate acquaintance with the functioning of WATiS – Wadden Sea Information System – for possible replication for the coastal areas of the Black Sea. Acquaintance with the management systems for the protection and conservation of the Wadden Sea (Nationalpark Schleswig-Holsteinisches Wattenmeer in particular).

Training and research work in the field of environmental informatics by participating in the development of Wadden Sea Information System.

1993 – 1995 Georgia Department of Solid State Physics, Tbilisi State University Researcher Laboratory of Semiconductors and Dielectrics

Setting up laboratory experiments for basic research and education in the field of the semiconductor physics. Programming of computer control systems for automation of lab measurements. Supervision of the advanced level students of the students educating at the department lab facilities.

Lab leading team member

1986 – 1993 Georgia Institute of Physics, Georgian Academy of Science Researcher Application of theoretical physics in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)

Main Activities: Research work in the theory of nuclear magnetic resonance and nuclear spin diffusion processes in solids. Accomplishments included several articles published in peer review periodicals and presentations at national and international conferences. Main output of the research work was compiled into the dissertation thesis work defended at the Scientific Council of the Tbilisi State University.

Candidate of Phys-Math Sciences work (PhD equivalent)



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